Mohammad Osman Tariq
Research Director

Mohammad Osman Tariq: has managed a portfolio of $7 million direct fund with The Asia Foundation and $18-34 million USD indirect funds of around 900 communities with International Rescue Committee(IRC), as the Director of Research, Islam and Development involved in overseeing and managed the Asia Foundation following projects:

  • Survey of the Afghan People
  • Traditional Leaders Discovery Project
  • Trust-building Initiatives between State and Non-State Institutions (Faryab)
  • Access to Justice for women and Model Community Program (Kunduz)
  • DRL regional Women’s Rights in Islam

Following are Mr.Tariq’s Publications:

  • Afghanistan in 2012, (2012), A Survey of the Afghan People, Lead Author, published by the Asia Foundation Afghanistan
  • Co-author for the report of Voters Behavior Survey in Afghanistan;
  • Afghanistan in 2011, (2011), A Survey of the Afghan People, Lead Author, published by the Asia Foundation Afghanistan
  • Building Religious Institution in Afghanistan: An Exploration, May 2011, PRIO, (English is printed and Dari and Pashto Versions are coming next), available: [online] 
  • Afghanistan in 2010, (2010), A Survey of the Afghan People, Author, Published by the Asia Foundation Afghanistan
  • Cross Border Feasibility Study for Development, 2010, Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency-Regional Office for Afghanistan and Pakistan, (this is a primary study for Hindukush Regional Program (HRP)
  • Tribal Security System in Southeast Afghanistan, Dec-2008, published by LSE/CSRC, Available online;
  • Afghanistan: How to Say End to the Conflict, 2008, published in HBF website;
  • Improving Justice and Security in Afghanistan; for publication in IDS Bulletin, University of Sussex, in Issue-40.2 March 2009;
  • Refugees, Returnees and Violence: A Case Study of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan and Iran (PRIO, Norway);


Mr.Tariq’s Educational background is as follow:

  • PhD, Walden University, Maryland, USA in Management with specialization in Leadership and Organizational Change; (March 5, 2012 - 2017)
  • Certificate from IAM Leadership School, one year – two semesters, Kabul, November 2013.
  • Obtained International Certificate of Arabic Language from Arabic Teaching Center for non-Native Speakers, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (October 2012 - June 2013)
  • Darul Uloom Abu Bakr-e-Siddiq, Kabul, Higher Islamic Studies in Hadith (equal to MA in Islamic Studies), (Oct 2010 – Jul-2011)
  • Basic of Islamic studies (Fiq, Arabic Grammer, and Fiq and Hadith Fundamentals), (Jan 2009 – Aug 2010)
  • Chevening Fellow on Government-Civil Society Relations in Wolverhampton University UK, (Jan-Apr/2010)
  • Visiting Fellow, Ulster University, Northern Ireland, Study and research on Northern Ireland Conflict and Peace Processes (15-27-Feb/2010)
  • Visiting Fellow Royal United Service Institute (RUSI), London, UK, (15-27/Mar/2010)
  • MA in Governance and Development (October, 2006-September, 2007)
Dr. Sohail Amjad
Senior Result Based M&E Specialist

Dr. Sohail Amjad graduated in medicine (MBBS) in 1982, and post graduated in pediatrics from University of London in 1994. After that he completed his Masters in Health Management, Planning and Policy (MA-HMPP, University of Leeds) and Masters in Hospital Management (University of Leeds) along with many certificate courses including Health Economics for Financial Planning and Health Management Information System from Nuffield Institute for Health Leeds. Dr. Sohail has attended a lot of trainings and short courses in Pakistan and abroad related to program development, capacity building, organizational management and integrated health services delivery. Currently working as M&E specialist at National Health Policy Unit, MOH, Pakistan.

He has served public health sector in Pakistan at different positions, the last 24 years at mid-level and senior managerial assignments. His experience extensively involved PHC/Secondary healthcare services planning, implementation, monitoring the performance and HRM&D at various managerial positions. Throughout his professional career, he remained busy in short term consultancies and assignments with development partners and organizations. Recently, he has successfully completed his three years international assignment with JICA-SSC as Consultant Epidemiologist and National Program Manager for the improvement of HMIS in Pakistan. Furthermore, he has also designed a result-based monitoring and evaluation system for National Health Policy implementation for MoH Pakistan. As a program manager, he has also implemented a family planning (NSV) program executed by UNFPA/AVSC for five years and a capacity building Project for District Health Staff funded by DFID and KfW.

His key interests are: Project/Program Development and Management (from inception to evaluation), Health Sector Reforms, decentralization policy implementation, Operational policies for public health sector, HIS design and implementation, Health Insurance Schemes for developing countries esp. for public sector employees. Furthermore, Dr. Sohail is also contributing as a resource person for degree/diploma courses for Hospital Management, HMIS and some other certificate courses to Pakistani institutes and also supervising theses and dissertations of students from Lahore University and Allam Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Dr. Amjad has is also involved in international trainings as resource person on ‘Training of Facilitators’ PPMS and Result-based Monitoring and Evaluation

Ubaid Ullah Chaudhary
Qualitative Researcher, Gender Mainstreaming, Analysis

Ubaid has over 20 years’ experience of working with civil society organizations including national and international NGOs, media and research organizations; and the public sector in Pakistan. His areas of expertise include gender mainstreaming, gender audits, capacity building and, policy advocacy. In this regard, he has implemented a wide range of projects on gender, human rights and, voice and accountability. Ubaid has experience of working at the community level and has utilized tools for gender sensitization such as street theatre, village assemblies and public meetings, with illiterate and marginalized audiences across Pakistan.

From 2002 to 2007, He was working as CIET senior member. In this role, He made a significant contribution in the first two national Social Audits of governance and delivery of public services in Pakistan. He has managed many national advocacy and gender mainstreaming campaigns, such as inclusion of women's issues in the political agenda of political parties in 1993 and 1996 national elections, voter education campaign focused on women and religious minorities (2008) and, the Citizen's Campaign for women's representation in Local Government (2000 and 2005). Ubaid also managed national level political education and parliament watch projects.

As part of his core area capacity building, he has along with developing many training programs and curriculum, also conducted trainings for civil society organizations staff and government officials on areas including gender, human rights, performance management plans, voice and accountability and organizational development. He has developed a 7 days Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) management course and trained 26 university teachers as master trainers. This course is being implemented in two renowned universities in the country i.e. Institute of Business Management Karachi (IoBM) and COMSATS Institute of Information Technologies Islamabad (CIIT).

Ubaid holds a Master’s degree in Mass Communications from University of The Punjab and after graduation has worked with the national print media for four years prior to joining the development sector. As both a journalist and development professional, he acquired thorough knowledge of development issues in Pakistan. In addition, He has sound management capabilities and strong advocacy credentials

Saadiya Razzak
Development Economist and Qualitative Researcher

Ms. Saadiya Razzak is a development economist with vast experience of working in Governance sector. She has worked as Consultant HR with JSI for HSSPU, before that she was working as Financing Specialist with WHO for Health System Strengthening & Policy Unit (HSSPU), and with GTZ as Economist where she participated in developing National Policies for MoPH Afghanistan. Ms. Saadiya has also worked with National Health Policy Unit (NHPU), Ministry of Public Health for two and half years, where she provided evidence based policy advice to ministry of public health. She has specific expertise is in research on education, gender and poverty related issues and has also worked with Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development Project of UNDP/UNOPS based in Centre for Research on Poverty Reduction and Income Distribution. She has comprehensive knowledge on qualitative and quantitative research on MNCH and poverty related issues and remain engaged in monitoring and management activities.

Muhammad Ashar Malik
Health Economist

Ashar is professional health economist, graduated from university of York, England. He has been involved in health sector in Pakistan in progressively responsible roles. He has rich experience in public health in Pakistan since 1998. He has been involved in planning, monitoring and evaluation, management of public health programmes and national level policymaking and analysis of healthcare financing reforms. Since 2007, he has been involved in research and academic activities in medical professional training and development. Ashar research profile includes emphasis on both clinical settings and health system and policy level. He has several international peer reviewed publication on a wide range of topics such as healthcare financing, pharmaceutical industry, economics burden of health and equity analysis of healthcare utilization and expenditure. He is involved in the activities of national and international organization. International society for pharmaco-economics and outcomes research (ISPOR), iHEA (international health economics association) and National Health Policy taskforce are few to name. He is also reviewer of some leading medical journals such as Value in Health, Journal of Pakistan Medical Association and Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences etc

Dr. Shahid Ikram
Qualitative Researcher

Dr. Shahid Ikram has done his MBBS from Rawalpindi Medical College and post graduation in Public Health from College of Community Medicine, Lahore. Having 20 years of professional experience, he has vast experience in the field of Primary Health Care, Public Health, management & training. He has remained involve in administration and supervision of public health services with the mission to protect the nation from preventive public health hazards like environment, air, water pollution, bird flu, Dengue Fever, Aids etc.

As a consultant and a public servant he has actively participated in the development of various operational and implementation plans for the district like macro and micro planning in Solid Waste Management (SWM), National Immunization Days, Measles Elimination, Dengue/Malaria Fever control and prevention etc. He has special command on the local issues pertaining to the district health system. Dr. Ikram has represented government in several workshops which includes disease surveillance, development & health planning courses for health managers, advance financial management, primary health care, mid level managers training etc .He has conducted various survey related to public health information, maternal and child health issues. He has conducted survey of various health models and impact of different health models in various districts in Punjab like PRSP, NCHD's PHC model i.e. Punjab Integrated PHC Model Program.

Khursheed Ahmad
Project Management and Researcher

Khursheed Ahmad is working in the field of research and development for the last six years. He did his Masters in Economics from International Islamic University, Islamabad and has sound understanding of economic and financial issues.  Later he has also completed M.Phil course work and my thesis is in-progress.  He started his professional career from Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) as a field researcher and then worked with Oxfam-GB, IDS, SDPI and USAID on various projects.  During his attachment with APEX, he managed numerous projects for United Nations (UN), Government of Pakistan, USAID, GTZ, JICA and other international bilateral and multilateral development organizations under various thematic areas, such as, health, education, finance, livelihood, natural resource management, energy and gender. Mr. Ahmad has managed nationwide studies and supervised teams belong from different geographical and linguistic background.  His expertise ranges from proposal development, project management, qualitative & quantitative research, monitoring and evaluation, data management, statistical analysis and technical report writing. He has good team building skills and has coordinated and managed teams of both local and international consultants for timely project delivery.

Ms. Samia Rouf
Gender, Research and Development

Ms. Samia has sixteen years of diverse and intensive work experience in the social sector and development field with international agencies and organizations such as the Royal Norwegian Embassy, UNIFEM, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, IFAD, ILO, CIDA, IUCN, and Population Council. At the national level, she has worked extensively with the NGOs, Government of Pakistan and private consultancy firms in various capacities and sectors, and her job comprises a range of responsibilities and tasks in accordance with the nature of each job. She has been working in the fields of gender, poverty reduction, governance, sustainable development and livelihoods, employment of women, child labor and child rights, social mobilization and empowerment, governance and democratization, human rights, rural development, community development, environmental rehabilitation and sustainable natural resource management, population and reproductive health and other areas. Her experience comprise extensive experience in research, policy reviews, advocacy, training, planning and management, monitoring and evaluation, end of project evaluations, review missions, MTBF and a number of other areas. Besides familiarity with national policies and strategies for development, gender, and governance she has extensive experience of working in the remotest areas of Pakistan’s four provinces, namely, Balochistan, NWFP, Punjab and Sind. I have experience of working both in rural and urban areas and have worked on assignments ranging from the grassroots to the national level.

Rafia Khan
Women Economic Empowerment and Gender Specialist

Ms. Rafia Khan has 15 years of experience in the development sector working with national and international non-profit organizations such as The Asia Foundation, UN WOMEN and Aga Khan Development Network. She has worked in the areas of women’s economic empowerment; women, peace and security; and gender-based violence. She is currently working as a freelance consultant with non-profit organizations in Pakistan and Afghanistan on program development and conducting program evaluations. Her strengths are program management and development, monitoring and evaluation, capacity building and community development.

Tasadduq Rasul
Senior Researcher, Right Based Approach, M&E Specialist

Tasadduq Rasul with almost 10-year work experience holds two master degrees in Social Work from Punjab University, and MSc. Rural Development from Sindh Development Studies Center (SDSC)-Sindh University. He has also completed on year training program on Social Enterprise (NGO) Management from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). These academic qualifications are supported by many short training courses during job. He has worked with organizations like Social Policy and Development Centre, Plan International and ActionAid Pakistan. Tasadduq with strong believe on and expertise in Rights Based Development framework has provided technical support for strategic planning, implementation and review of dynamic programs. He has coordinated more than twenty research, evaluation and impact assessment studies during the course of this career and recently his research work was jointly published by  UK-AID (DFID), Akhtar Hammed Khan Resource Centre and Plan International Pakistan  with the title of “ Shelter for Poor-Legislation and Enforcement” A case studies of Islamabad which is being jointly published by in 2010. He has also led the project of ActionAid of organizing the collection of “Most Significant Stories of Change-” which is being published by ActionAid Pakistan.

Farzana Hamanyun
Statistician, Researcher, Gender and Development Specialist

Ms. Farzana is currently working as Senior Technical Advisor in the Mega Information Technology Project (Ministry of Women Development, MoWD), based on improving gender dimensions in the digital economy through the use of ICT capabilities. Her professional Masters degrees in the field of Statistics, Economics and History as well M. Phil degree in Social Sciences from the reputed Universities of Pakistan add a multi-dimensional understanding of  Project Designing/Planning, Project Monitoring/Evaluation, Project Management, Quality Assurance, Capacity Building/Trainings, Public Finance, and Estimation. In addition, her experience as Senior Technical Advisor & Architect of CDWP 5 year Mega Project, worth of Rs.100 million (MoWD), Monitoring/Evaluation Coordinator of Gender Reform Action Plan (MoWD), Website Developer (MoWD), Research Associate (Quaid-i-Azam University), Lecturer Economics & Social Sciences (IMCG, Shaheen Airforce System), Program Officer (PIMS), Book Editor (Australian Company Softnix) and Facilitator (RBC) for more than eight years assist her a lot in fulfilling related job requirements.

Uzma Tahir
Women Human Rights, Researcher, Gender Specialist

Uzma Tahir, have masters degree in Understanding & Securing Human Rights, from University of London, UK in 2004 as well as MBA Degree in 1994. She carried a fifteen year work experience around human security, peace and conflict transformation with the focus on social policy and research. Her focus of work is around suffering of women under the disaster, conflict and emergency situations particularly gender based violence. She has worked with notable organizations in country during her served Institute for Health, Development and Community Sciences, Christian Study Centre and ActionAid in various capacities. Currently she is heading the policy research and advocacy unit in ActionAid Pakistan and prior to this she was heading the portfolio of human security and conflict transformation. As part of her work experience around policy and research she has been extensively analysing the structural cause and barrier associated to the phenomena of human and manmade disaster and how those have impacted on condition and position change of women. She has developed a series of (12) training manuals for around subject with the focus on women’s human rights for various organizations based on her research and analysis. This work has turned into contribution towards design and implements “Rights Based Approach (RBA)” advocacy strategies at local, national and regional/international level to promote women’s human rights

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