- Proposal and Grant Applications
- Project and Program Proposals
- Result Frameworks
- Design Monitoring Frameworks
- PC-1
- Curricula Development
- Training Course and Manual Development
- Performance Based Project Design (PPMS)
- Result-based M&E
- Development Evaluation
- Information Systems
- Health Planning and Management
- Reproductive Health
Quality Assurance
- Human Rights
- Civic Rights
- Rule of Law
- Electoral Reforms
- Impact Assessment
- M & E System Design
- Baseline Studies
- Process Monitoring & End Evaluations
- Result Monitoring
- Performance Management Systems
- End of Project Evaluations
- Third Party Monitoring
- Mid-term Evaluations
- Health Equity Funds
- Community based Health Financing
- Demand Side Financing
- Legislative Governance,
- Public Sector Governance
- Access to Justice
- Transparency and Accountability
- Primary & Secondary Education
- Education Information Systems
- Adult Literacy