Impact Evaluation of Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program/Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development funded by World Bank (MRRD/AREDP)

Name of project Impact Evaluation of Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program/Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development funded by World Bank (MRRD/AREDP)
Year(s) 2014 (2 months)
Client name AREDP/MRRD/World Bank
Relevant services Core services: PDS conducted an impact assessment of Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program for women and provided expertise to Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development for enhancing/improving the implementation of AREDP to more effectively contribute in improving the lives of women in 3 provinces (Parwan, Bamyan and Nangarhar)
Capabilities demonstrated Impact Evaluation of AREDP project implemented activities through mixed methods, stakeholders’ consultation and community participation. Program Effectiveness on Rural Women
Brief description of the project, key deliverables and outcome The broad objective of the Impact Assessment Study was to prepare an in-depth impact assessment report of AREDP’s work against key program indicators such as creating employment opportunities and income generation for rural women. The specific objectives of the Impact Assessment are as follows: understand the specific impacts of the program on rural women in terms of creation of employment opportunities and income generation, and identify challenges that need to be addressed; identify and measure the indirect impacts of the program in terms of socio economic aspects of the work on rural women; use the result of this study as a baseline data for future measurement of the program progress on rural women during different phases of the project; provide a real and practical measurement of the program impact on rural women to its stakeholders; understand woman’s socio economic status before and after AREDP intervention and formation of saving groups; identify gaps in the program with respect to activities directed towards employment and income generation of rural women; and understand how the program has affected the community in shaping up of positive or negative attitudes.
Impact Evaluation of Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program/Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development funded by World Bank (MRRD/AREDP)

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